
What is Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary, flexible and confidential way for people to resolve disputes. A neutral mediator, who is trained to facilitate communication, can assist a couple in developing and formalizing agreements. The mediator does not decide who is right or wrong nor do they issue a decision. The mediator helps the parties work out their own solutions to problems.

Once the mediation process is complete, the parties will receive a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the agreements they arrived at. The parties can take the Memorandum of Understanding to an attorney in order to have it legally bound. Mediation is a very efficient and cost-effective way of resolving conflict and can be used in civil or family matters.


Many couples discuss plans or make agreements prior to marriage.  Premarital mediation can be a friendly and productive approach to identifying premarital dynamics and how both parties anticipate distributing their roles and property. Premarital mediation allows a couple to effectively establish pre nuptial agreements in a transparent way, prior to entering their marriage.  Communicating through their expectations and establishing an agreed upon plan can help achieve success moving forward in their relationship.


The approach of marital mediation is a process for couples that are experiencing marital difficulties and desire to stay married.  It differs from marital therapy/counseling in several ways.  It is not focused on the past, on diagnoses or approached clinically.

Marital mediation is present and future-focused.  It is an opportunity for a couple to strategically work through their challenges.  When a couple is unable to settle differences and unhealthy communication patterns cause the relationship to suffer, marital mediation can provide them with constructive tools to resolve conflict. Marital mediation can be successful when marriage counseling has not been helpful.

Separation and Divorce

Utilizing mediation, during a separation or divorce, allows parties to make decisions that are reasonable for both parties and their family.  In mediation, both parties meet with a well-trained family mediator who provides assistance in helping the parties resolve disputes amicably in order to separate or end the marriage.  Mediation can address child custody matters, parent planning, and distribution of property.  Ongoing funding/support streams, expenses, retirement and taxes can also be mediated.  Mediation can be extremely cost effective and an excellent alternative to traditional litigation in many circumstances.  It supports the ability to heal and thrive moving forward.