Upcoming Events

Developing Secure Teams

Saturday, October 28 | 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

What do you value most in being a part of a team? Have you wondered what conditions allow you to lead a team effectively? This program will focus on how to develop teams who feel secure in their leadership. A conversation on establishing healthy boundaries for employees, as well as how to impart that to the students we interact with will take place. Factors that create health and security within a system will be covered.   The audience will discuss a variety of leadership and communication styles. Consideration of those differences and how to effectively engage in interpersonal relationships will be addressed. The participants will explore finding a balance between building value and team building. Skills developed in this program will leave your team feeling empowered to serve future generations.


  • Leadership / Management

Instructional Level: Intermediate

Learning Objective(s):

  • The audience will be able to identify the four pillars of emotional intelligence.
  • The audience will be able to describe what factors allow teams to feel secure and thrive.
  • The audience will be able to explain how different leadership and communication styles can be optimized on a team.